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I Search resource template

Page history last edited by Bing Miller 9 years, 4 months ago



My topic: (due May 8) Explain it as succinctly as possible in a sentence or two. Then add several follow up sentences that discuss what is it you want to know. What questions do you have? 


What I Already Know (due May 8): Write one or two paragraphs to describe your topic and your reasons for choosing it. Why did you become interested in the topic you chose? What personal connection helped you to pick this topic? Describe the situation that led you to decide to research this topic.


Name of person to interview (due May 12): Name the person and explain what you are doing to make the interview happen. Keep this section updated.


Interview questions (due May 12): List at least 10 question you will ask your interviewee. They need to be open-ended questions that require thought to answer.



Compiling sources (due May 15-20): List the specific sources that you are using for your research in proper MLA style. For each, you will describe the information from the source. You will need to answer these questions for each source: Summarize new information you learned. How did the information helpful in adding to your knowledge about the topic? What new questions do you have after reading this source?



Interview transcript (due May 23): Record the Q & A from your interview.


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